While everyone was eagerly waiting to see which director will first get the chance to direct Sanjay Dutt after he came out of prison, surprisingly, a Telugu director has grabbed the lucky opportunity.
Maverick director Puri Jagannath has reportedly met Sanjay Dutt and narrated a story which he liked instantly. Reportedly, it is an action subject unlike anything the senior actor has done in his career.
Puri himself confirmed of directing a Hindi Film starring Sanjay Dutt after he wraps up his current production venture ‘Rogue’. The shooting of ‘Rogue’ is progressing in Kolkata. After this film, Puriwill direct his second Bollywood film then.
It may be noted that Puri made his debut in Bollywood by directing Amitabh Bachchan in ‘Buddah Hoga Tera Baap’.