Ever wondered how doctors used to hear the heartbeat of patients before the invention of stethoscope?
They did it by directly placing their ears on the heart of patients. However, this practice changed after Rene Laennec invented stethoscope, the most evident medical instrument that every doctor carries, which apart from the white coat represents a doctor.
Rene Laennec, a French physician, was born on 17th February in 1781. Google is today celebrating Laennec’s 235th birthday with a very special doodle.
It is said that the shyness of Laennec led to the discovery of stethoscope. In 1816, while Laennec was examining a woman patient complaining of heart problem, he had to listen to her heartbeat. But, he felt uncomfortable to place his ear on her breast. This awkwardness made the stethoscope born.
Laennec developed his prototype stethoscope using wood and attaching a microphone to one end and an ear piece to the other end.
To celebrate his 235th birthday, Laennec’s very first stethoscope, is recreated in today’s doodle along with the one we all know today.