As per the latest ranks announced by the Forbes magazine, 63-year-old businessman Murali Krishna Divi is the Richest Telugu person. He is ranked 37th in India and 906th in the world.
Murali Krishna owns Divis Labs, the World’s Largest manufacturer of Naproxen, an anti-inflammatory drug which treats osteoarthritis. His Net Worth is $2 billion.
Murali Divi’s life as an entrepreneur began way back in 1984 when he returned to India after working as senior Research and Development manager in various American firms. He had spent several years in America after receiving doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences.
Murali Divi decided very early that his company would go less trodden path and stick to contract manufacturing of raw material for Medicines, one of the reasons why his company is on such solid ground today.
Till date, Divis Labs does not manufacture the final products because it would change its role from a service provider to a competitor to the big pharma companies.