Tamil director Manikandan, who helmed the National Award-winning Film Kaaka Muttai in his last attempt, is ready to make a commercial venture in his next attempt and has already brought highly talented actors on board.
Mixed-martial artist Ritika Singh, who made a successful debut in the Tamil film Irudhi Suttru (Hindi version titled ‘Saala Khadoos’) opposite Madhavan, has signed Manikandan’s film, tentatively titled ‘Aaandavan Kattalai’, as her second Tamil film. Vijay Sethupathi will be playing the male lead.
Said to be an entertainer, ‘Aaandavan Kattalai’ will go on floors in March. The director has claimed that unlike Aandavan Kattalai will be a lighter subject with good scope for humor, unlike Kaaka Muttai. He also confirmed that the film won’t be a full-length comedy even.
Ritika was appreciated by the Audiences and critics for her acting as a boxer in Irudhi Suttru. Madhavan played boxing coach.