The Telangana CM on 22 February announced to relief all the farmers from loans up to ₹1 lakh that remains as on 11 December 2018.
Under the support scheme of “ Rythu Bandhu,” the government extended its support to ₹4,000 per acre resulting to ₹8000 per year.
The “Aasara” pension for old aged widows, single Women, workers working in handlooms and people affected with filariasis are given ₹2,016 per month.
The Telangana CM on 22 February announced to relief all the Farmers from loans up to ₹1 lakh that remains as on 11 December 2018.
K Chandrasekhar, Chief Minister who also looks after finance asserted that the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) had promised to clear all the loan before December 7, 2018.
Under the support scheme of “ Rythu Bandhu,” the government extended its support to ₹4,000 per acre resulting to ₹8000 per year.
Rao said he increased the support to ₹5000 per acre so that the total sum will be of ₹10,000 per acre.
He also made another promise for the election that unemployed will be given ₹3,016 per month to the eligible.
The “Aasara” pension for old aged widows, single Women, workers working in handlooms and people affected with filariasis are given ₹2,016 per month.
The differently able individuals will be given ₹3,016 per month.