Home BIG Story TOP 5 World’s MOST Hacked Passwords – Here’s The List

TOP 5 World’s MOST Hacked Passwords – Here’s The List

UK’s NCSC discovered that the easy-to-guess password ‘123456’ is the world’s most hacked password.

TOP 5 World’s MOST Hacked Passwords – Here’s The List
TOP 5 World’s MOST Hacked Passwords – Here’s The List.

According to an analysis by the United Kingdom’s National cyber security Centre (NCSC), the world’s most hacked password is ‘123456.

An analysis by the UK’s NCSC of public databases of breached accounts discovered that the easy-to-guess password ‘123456’ is the world’s most hacked password.

It also discovered that millions of people are still using it on sensitive user accounts.

The study further found that about 23.2 million victim accounts used ‘123456’ as their password.

Here’s top 5 world’s most hacked passwords list.

Position Password No. of victims
5 1111111 3.1 million
4 password 3.6 million
3 qwerty 3.8 million
2 123456789 7.7 million
1 123456 23.2 million