Environmental activist Rajendra Singh known as “Water Man”, has been conferred the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize this year for his creative water restoration endeavors and strength to enable groups in Indian villages.
Mr. Singh, born in 1959, has committed himself to defeating drought and empowering communities for a very long time.
He won the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2001 for his work on community based water harvesting and water Management.
“He has literally brought villages back to life. We have to take Mr. Singh’s lessons and activities to heart if we are to achieve sustainable water use in our lifetime,” the Stockholm Water Prize Committee said in its reference.
“This is exceptionally empowering, energizing and motivating news,” Singh said on receiving the news about the prize.
The prize includes $150,000 and a sculpture.
The Stockholm Water Prize is a global award founded in 1991 and presented annually by the Stockholm International Water Institute to an individual, organisation or institution for outstanding water-related achievements.