Home Business Why Muslim Org. Issued Fatwa against Baba Ramdev?

Why Muslim Org. Issued Fatwa against Baba Ramdev?

A Muslim Organization of Tamil Nadu state has hit headlines by issuing Fatwa against spiritual guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Products.

Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ) issued this fatwa against Ramdev’s all Patanjali products as they contain cow urine, which is forbidden in Islam.

Fatwa means a kind of ban that Muslim religious leaders issue against a person or thing. After this, no muslim is allowed to touch, eat, spear or even think of such things.

Mohammed Yusuf, TNTJ general secretary, said that use of cow urine is forbidden in Islam so any product made with cow urine becomes untouchable for muslims. As Ramdev’s Patanjali products contain cow urine as a major ingredient, a fatwa against all such products has been issued. He added that TNTJ issued fatwa to ensure that Muslims do not consume the products without knowledge of the cow urine as ingredient.