JanaSena party chief Pawan Kalyan on 4th December said despite crores of income, the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy led Andhra Pradesh government failed to set-up cold storages for Farmers.
Kalyan said the Rayalaseerna tour has begun at Railway Kodur on the farmers’ issues and a total of five issues have been identified.
Though the farmers are working hard are not getting support price to their produces i.e. turmeric, vegetables and fruits.
As a result, the extension of turmeric crop is declining and farmers are expressing their grievances by coming out on to the streets.
The soil in the region is equal to the soils in California, but the farmers are forced to sell their produce soon after harvesting.
There are no cold storages to store the farm produce until they get a better price. When there are crores of rupees of income to the government, no effort has been made to set up cold storages.
The YCP government which got huge majority has failed to move in this direction and to protect the farmers.
What is the use of having 151 MLAs when they cannot give assurance to the farmers?
When asked they say it is the failure of the previous government, Kalyan said.
There is State-wide scarcity of onions.
Pawan Kalyan said “a common man expressed his troubles as he has to spend the whole of his earnings of Rs 300 in a day for buying onions. It is pathetic to note.”
There is State-wide scarcity of onions. Why the government which has a huge majority has no fore vision? He asked.
Soon after corning to power, the YCP government started demolishing structures and abolishing the contracts without thinking what to do for the welfare of the people.
How to extend support to farmers? The government failed to concentrate on the turmeric farmers’ issues and as a result, a crisis erupted,” he added.
YCP leader’s hatred costs people’s problems.
Pawan Kalyan said “The YCP government wasted six months of its time by concentrating on the demolishing the residence of the former chief minister. Because of your hatred tendencies, from the building workers to many sections of the society have incurred huge losses.”
The people are given to understand that what the YCP rule is. There is plenty of water where the leaders are residing in Rayalaseema. The leaders developed by showing the Backwardness in the region as a cause, but the people are still struggling for life.